Law in Contemporary Society

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AliAbidSecondEssay 4 - 15 Jun 2024 - Main.EbenMoglen
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Reducing the High Stakes of Online Sports Gambling

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 As the popularity of online sports gambling continues to grow, federal legislation is necessary to establish uniform regulations that will safeguard consumers, prevent underage gambling, and address gambling addiction more effectively than the current approach. By leveraging the Commerce Clause, a cohesive federal framework can ensure the benefits of online sports gambling are maximized while minimizing its societal costs.
Why do you not link to the documents whose contents you refer to? Your assertions about who has said what cannot be checked, which is a pretty serious defect.

You have now reached what seems to be a pretty straightforward conclusion, that there would be no constitutional problem with regulating the industry. You could surely have put that more succinctly, but some value to you came from working it all through. But what regulation can 60 votes in the Senate be brought to agree on? You have provided no real legislative principles and no political analysis. So this is fine so far as it goes, but that turns out to be not very far.

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Revision 4r4 - 15 Jun 2024 - 08:25:41 - EbenMoglen
Revision 3r3 - 09 Jun 2024 - 20:04:44 - AliAbid
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