Law in Contemporary Society

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AliAbidSecondEssay 4 - 15 Jun 2024 - Main.EbenMoglen
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Reducing the High Stakes of Online Sports Gambling

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 As the popularity of online sports gambling continues to grow, federal legislation is necessary to establish uniform regulations that will safeguard consumers, prevent underage gambling, and address gambling addiction more effectively than the current approach. By leveraging the Commerce Clause, a cohesive federal framework can ensure the benefits of online sports gambling are maximized while minimizing its societal costs.
Why do you not link to the documents whose contents you refer to? Your assertions about who has said what cannot be checked, which is a pretty serious defect.

You have now reached what seems to be a pretty straightforward conclusion, that there would be no constitutional problem with regulating the industry. You could surely have put that more succinctly, but some value to you came from working it all through. But what regulation can 60 votes in the Senate be brought to agree on? You have provided no real legislative principles and no political analysis. So this is fine so far as it goes, but that turns out to be not very far.

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AliAbidSecondEssay 3 - 09 Jun 2024 - Main.AliAbid
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META TOPICPARENT name="SecondEssay"

Reducing the High Stakes of Online Sports Gambling

Online sports gambling has been booming over the last few years. With the 2018 Supreme Court decision in Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Association, the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act of 1992 was repealed. PASPA essentially outlawed sports betting throughout the United States. With the Murphy case, the Court ruled that PASPA conflicts with the Tenth Amendment and was overturned. Since then, states have been the ability to legalize and regulate online sports gambling. The issue with this is that leaving the legalization and regulation of online gambling to states creates varying levels of standards between states. Some states may have more lax restrictions than others while some states may not even legalize it. Online sports betting has created billions in revenue for sports books and thus generated billions in tax revenues for state governments. Likewise, this amount of business has led to an increase in jobs for people in the legalized states. The issues lie in the mass spread of online sports gambling throughout the general public because it has the potential to cause addiction, financial difficulties, and psychological issues. To mitigate these issues nationwide federal regulation should be implemented to control and balance online sports gambling.
The 2018 Supreme Court decision in Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Association facilitated the rapid rise of online sports gambling in the United States. With this ruling, the Court invalidated the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA), which had effectively banned online sports gambling. The Court ruled that PASPA violated the Tenth Amendment by commandeering state legislatures to outlaw the practice. This decision allowed states the ability to legalize and regulate online sports gambling. However, this decentralization has resulted in inconsistent regulations, with some states adopting lenient policies while others have stricter prohibitions. This discrepancy in regulation results in considerable negative ramifications.
Online sports gambling platforms have features that can easily lead to addiction. The easy to use and intuitive interfaces allow for constant use. The instant gratification of online bets can impact addictive tendencies. Research indicates that the risk of addiction is higher in online gamblers than those who gamble in person. The American Psychological Association has stated concerns such as the difficulty in controlling gambling habits and the potential for addiction development due to the immersive nature of online gambling platforms. The nature of these platforms can make it seem online bets have low risk and low investment involved. This can lead to people having misconceptions about the ease of winning and the seriousness of losses. The online format also removes the realness of using cash, making losses feel less tangible. Having monetary gains and losses occur through the internet can lead to increased gambling since it removes the psychological barriers that gambling with physical money might cause.
Online sports gambling has generated substantial revenue for sportsbooks and significant tax revenues for state governments. The growing industry has also spurred job creation in legalized states. Despite these economic benefits, the widespread availability of online sports gambling poses serious risks, including addiction, financial ruin, and psychological distress. To alleviate these challenges on a national scale, federal regulation is necessary. Such regulation would standardize the industry, ensuring universal safeguards and mitigating the adverse impacts associated with the practice. Online sports gambling platforms have features that can contribute to addiction. Their user-friendly interfaces promote constant engagement, while the instant gratification of online bets reinforces addictive behaviors. Studies indicate higher addiction risks among online gamblers compared to those who gamble in person. The American Psychological Association highlights the increased potential for addiction due to the immersive nature of these platforms. The perception of low risk and minimal investment can lead to misconceptions about winning ease and loss severity. The online format’s detachment from handling tangible cash lowers psychological barriers often associated with gambling in person.
Once an individual succumbs to the potential of gambling addiction that online sports betting induces, the social and family consequences can be severe. Gambling addiction frequently leads to job loss, debt, bankruptcy, crime, and suicide. These effects do not only impact individuals but also their families and communities. The ease of access and the ability to gamble secretly online worsen these issues by not allowing for symptoms to be known to others until the problems become severe. Also, online gambling platforms have not effectively enforced age restrictions which leads to more underage gambling. The American Gaming Association reports inconsistent enforcement across states with some states reporting much higher rates of underage gambling violations. Having young people develop gambling addictions through easily accessible platforms on their phone can lead to ill effects throughout other aspects of their lives. Likewise, the effects of gambling addiction extend beyond individuals. Having someone in the household dealing with gambling addiction can lead to families experience significant strain and thus can result in divorce, domestic violence, and severe mental health issues amongst family members. Communities where online gambling is prevalent may also face increased crime rates and social welfare use due to related unemployment and debt.
Addiction to online sports gambling can ruin social lives through job loss, debt, bankruptcy, criminal activity, and even suicide. These consequences extend beyond the individual, negatively affecting families and communities. The discreet nature of online gambling exacerbates these issues, allowing addiction to go unnoticed until it reaches a critical point. Furthermore, online gambling platforms have inconsistently enforced age restrictions, resulting in high rates of underage gambling. The American Gaming Association reports varying enforcement across states, with some states experiencing higher violation rates. Easy access to gambling platforms via smartphones makes youth particularly vulnerable.
While states have seen an increase in tax revenue from legalized online gambling, the economic costs can be significant. Gambling addiction can lead to reduced work productivity, job losses, and increased use of social welfare programs. The National Council on Problem Gambling suggests that the social costs of gambling such as job loss, bankruptcy, and healthcare expenses can outweigh the financial benefits derived from tax revenue. Around twenty years before even the legalization of online sports betting, The National Gambling Impact Study Commission estimated the annual cost of gambling-related problems is over $5 billion.
Gambling addiction impacts more than just the addict. Families face significant emotional and financial strain, leading to issues such as divorce, domestic violence, and severe mental health problems among family members. Communities with high online gambling prevalence may see increased crime rates and greater reliance on social welfare programs due to associated unemployment and debt. The pervasive nature of online sports gambling necessitates strong federal regulation to mitigate these social harms and protect vulnerable populations.
The ability given to each state for determining its own legality and rules for online gambling has led to a lack of uniformity throughout the United States. This results in inconsistent regulations that complicates enforcement and consumer protection. Even in states with stricter online sports gambling regulations, there still are problems with enforcement and social harms. This is why it is imperative that federal legislation be established to standardize online sports gambling regulation and enforcement. Within this legislation, first there should a uniform identity and age verification process. The know-your-customer procedure should be robust for all nationwide online gambling platforms as to ensure minors do not have the ability to online gamble. There should be a shared nationwide federal database that places banned and violating users so they cannot access any other online gambling platforms. Another aspect of this legislation should include universal limits on deposits to the online platforms. These limits can set a cap on the monetary amount allowed to be deposited on a weekly and monthly basis. In terms of the online gambling platforms themselves, there should be strict federal licensing requirements. These institutions should be subject to comprehensive audits, regulatory scrutiny, and harsh penalties for violations. With the tax revenue projected to be generated, there should be funding allocated to gambling addiction treatment and awareness campaigns. The more people made aware of the dangers and repercussions of gambling addiction can hopefully reduce the prevalence of it in society. A shift towards implementing governmental rehabilitation programs for gambling addicts can hopefully result in accessible recovery for those affected.
While states benefit from increased tax revenue due to online sports gambling, the economic costs of gambling addiction can be substantial. Gambling addiction often results in decreased work productivity, job losses, and higher dependency on social welfare programs. The National Council on Problem Gambling indicates that social costs of gambling can surpass financial gains from tax revenue. The National Gambling Impact Study Commission estimated that annual gambling related problems cost over $5 billion, suggesting long-term economic costs may undermine short-term economic benefits states enjoy from online sports gambling. The ability for each state to determine online sports gambling legality and regulations has resulted in a fragmented regulatory environment. This lack of uniformity creates inconsistent regulations, complicating enforcement, and undermining consumer protection. Even states with stricter online sports gambling laws face challenges in enforcement and continue to experience social harms associated with gambling. Federal legislation is needed to standardize online sports gambling regulation and enforcement. Federal legislation should implement standardized identity and age verification processes, mandate comprehensive know-your-customer procedures, and create a national database to track banned users. Universal limits on deposits to online gambling platforms should be set to limit excessive gambling. Strict federal licensing requirements, comprehensive audits, regulatory scrutiny, and harsh penalties for violations are essential to ensure compliance and consumer protection.
The popularity of online sports gambling in the United States will likely continue to increase but with it, so will gambling related issues and social costs. Rather than continuing on this track by allowing online gambling to be regulated solely by the states, federal legislation should be enacted to most effectively enforce and regulate online sports gambling. Federal intervention is necessary to implement nationwide uniform regulations that will protect consumers, prevent underage gambling, and reduce rates of gambling addiction.
Projected tax revenues from online sports gambling should fund gambling addiction treatment and awareness campaigns. Increasing public awareness of gambling addiction dangers and providing governmental rehabilitation programs for addicts are important steps. Standardizing regulations through federal legislation would streamline enforcement, enhance consumer protection, and alleviate social harms associated with online sports gambling.
A statute that has been invalidated has not been repealed. If Murphy is rightly decided, why does your proposed federal legislation not have Tenth Amendment problems? Why are the effects on the national economy justifying federal legislation not sufficient to control sports betting entirely under the Commerce Clause if Congress wishes to do so? Mentioning Murphy seems inadequate; there is more that we need to understand, and you're the one with the burden of explaining.
Objectors to federal regulation of online sports gambling may raise concerns about potential Tenth Amendment issues, similar to those with PASPA. However, in the Murphy ruling, Justice Alito writes that Congress may regulate online sports gambling directly. The Commerce Clause of the Constitution further supports federal regulation of online sports gambling. In Wickard v. Filburn, the Supreme Court ruled that Congress may regulate intrastate activities affecting interstate commerce. In U.S. v. Lopez, the Court identified three categories of activity regulated under the Commerce Clause. They include the use of channels of interstate commerce, instrumentalities of interstate commerce, and activities substantially affecting interstate commerce.

In regard to the first Lopez category, online sports gambling platforms conduct business through the internet, which is a channel of interstate commerce. Since these platforms track patrons through the geolocator in their internet devices, users in states without legalized online sports gambling may cross state lines to place bets. Patrons are also known to use VPNs to spoof their location to legal states. In regard to the second category, these platforms with their technology and financial systems are instrumentalities of interstate commerce. Additionally, individuals who engage in online sports gambling, often located in different states, interact and transact through these platforms. In relation to the final category, online sports gambling has significant economic impacts such as revenue generation and mass financial transactions that can substantially affect interstate commerce.

As the popularity of online sports gambling continues to grow, federal legislation is necessary to establish uniform regulations that will safeguard consumers, prevent underage gambling, and address gambling addiction more effectively than the current approach. By leveraging the Commerce Clause, a cohesive federal framework can ensure the benefits of online sports gambling are maximized while minimizing its societal costs.

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AliAbidSecondEssay 2 - 05 May 2024 - Main.EbenMoglen
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META TOPICPARENT name="SecondEssay"
Reducing the High Stakes of Online Sports Gambling

Reducing the High Stakes of Online Sports Gambling


Online sports gambling has been booming over the last few years. With the 2018 Supreme Court decision in Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Association, the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act of 1992 was repealed. PASPA essentially outlawed sports betting throughout the United States. With the Murphy case, the Court ruled that PASPA conflicts with the Tenth Amendment and was overturned. Since then, states have been the ability to legalize and regulate online sports gambling. The issue with this is that leaving the legalization and regulation of online gambling to states creates varying levels of standards between states. Some states may have more lax restrictions than others while some states may not even legalize it. Online sports betting has created billions in revenue for sports books and thus generated billions in tax revenues for state governments. Likewise, this amount of business has led to an increase in jobs for people in the legalized states. The issues lie in the mass spread of online sports gambling throughout the general public because it has the potential to cause addiction, financial difficulties, and psychological issues. To mitigate these issues nationwide federal regulation should be implemented to control and balance online sports gambling.

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  The popularity of online sports gambling in the United States will likely continue to increase but with it, so will gambling related issues and social costs. Rather than continuing on this track by allowing online gambling to be regulated solely by the states, federal legislation should be enacted to most effectively enforce and regulate online sports gambling. Federal intervention is necessary to implement nationwide uniform regulations that will protect consumers, prevent underage gambling, and reduce rates of gambling addiction.
A statute that has been invalidated has not been repealed. If Murphy is rightly decided, why does your proposed federal legislation not have Tenth Amendment problems? Why are the effects on the national economy justifying federal legislation not sufficient to control sports betting entirely under the Commerce Clause if Congress wishes to do so? Mentioning Murphy seems inadequate; there is more that we need to understand, and you're the one with the burden of explaining.

You are entitled to restrict access to your paper if you want to. But we all derive immense benefit from reading one another's work, and I hope you won't feel the need unless the subject matter is personal and its disclosure would be harmful or undesirable. To restrict access to your paper simply delete the "#" character on the next two lines:

AliAbidSecondEssay 1 - 24 Apr 2024 - Main.AliAbid
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META TOPICPARENT name="SecondEssay"
Reducing the High Stakes of Online Sports Gambling

Online sports gambling has been booming over the last few years. With the 2018 Supreme Court decision in Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Association, the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act of 1992 was repealed. PASPA essentially outlawed sports betting throughout the United States. With the Murphy case, the Court ruled that PASPA conflicts with the Tenth Amendment and was overturned. Since then, states have been the ability to legalize and regulate online sports gambling. The issue with this is that leaving the legalization and regulation of online gambling to states creates varying levels of standards between states. Some states may have more lax restrictions than others while some states may not even legalize it. Online sports betting has created billions in revenue for sports books and thus generated billions in tax revenues for state governments. Likewise, this amount of business has led to an increase in jobs for people in the legalized states. The issues lie in the mass spread of online sports gambling throughout the general public because it has the potential to cause addiction, financial difficulties, and psychological issues. To mitigate these issues nationwide federal regulation should be implemented to control and balance online sports gambling.

Online sports gambling platforms have features that can easily lead to addiction. The easy to use and intuitive interfaces allow for constant use. The instant gratification of online bets can impact addictive tendencies. Research indicates that the risk of addiction is higher in online gamblers than those who gamble in person. The American Psychological Association has stated concerns such as the difficulty in controlling gambling habits and the potential for addiction development due to the immersive nature of online gambling platforms. The nature of these platforms can make it seem online bets have low risk and low investment involved. This can lead to people having misconceptions about the ease of winning and the seriousness of losses. The online format also removes the realness of using cash, making losses feel less tangible. Having monetary gains and losses occur through the internet can lead to increased gambling since it removes the psychological barriers that gambling with physical money might cause.

Once an individual succumbs to the potential of gambling addiction that online sports betting induces, the social and family consequences can be severe. Gambling addiction frequently leads to job loss, debt, bankruptcy, crime, and suicide. These effects do not only impact individuals but also their families and communities. The ease of access and the ability to gamble secretly online worsen these issues by not allowing for symptoms to be known to others until the problems become severe. Also, online gambling platforms have not effectively enforced age restrictions which leads to more underage gambling. The American Gaming Association reports inconsistent enforcement across states with some states reporting much higher rates of underage gambling violations. Having young people develop gambling addictions through easily accessible platforms on their phone can lead to ill effects throughout other aspects of their lives. Likewise, the effects of gambling addiction extend beyond individuals. Having someone in the household dealing with gambling addiction can lead to families experience significant strain and thus can result in divorce, domestic violence, and severe mental health issues amongst family members. Communities where online gambling is prevalent may also face increased crime rates and social welfare use due to related unemployment and debt.

While states have seen an increase in tax revenue from legalized online gambling, the economic costs can be significant. Gambling addiction can lead to reduced work productivity, job losses, and increased use of social welfare programs. The National Council on Problem Gambling suggests that the social costs of gambling such as job loss, bankruptcy, and healthcare expenses can outweigh the financial benefits derived from tax revenue. Around twenty years before even the legalization of online sports betting, The National Gambling Impact Study Commission estimated the annual cost of gambling-related problems is over $5 billion.

The ability given to each state for determining its own legality and rules for online gambling has led to a lack of uniformity throughout the United States. This results in inconsistent regulations that complicates enforcement and consumer protection. Even in states with stricter online sports gambling regulations, there still are problems with enforcement and social harms. This is why it is imperative that federal legislation be established to standardize online sports gambling regulation and enforcement. Within this legislation, first there should a uniform identity and age verification process. The know-your-customer procedure should be robust for all nationwide online gambling platforms as to ensure minors do not have the ability to online gamble. There should be a shared nationwide federal database that places banned and violating users so they cannot access any other online gambling platforms. Another aspect of this legislation should include universal limits on deposits to the online platforms. These limits can set a cap on the monetary amount allowed to be deposited on a weekly and monthly basis. In terms of the online gambling platforms themselves, there should be strict federal licensing requirements. These institutions should be subject to comprehensive audits, regulatory scrutiny, and harsh penalties for violations. With the tax revenue projected to be generated, there should be funding allocated to gambling addiction treatment and awareness campaigns. The more people made aware of the dangers and repercussions of gambling addiction can hopefully reduce the prevalence of it in society. A shift towards implementing governmental rehabilitation programs for gambling addicts can hopefully result in accessible recovery for those affected.

The popularity of online sports gambling in the United States will likely continue to increase but with it, so will gambling related issues and social costs. Rather than continuing on this track by allowing online gambling to be regulated solely by the states, federal legislation should be enacted to most effectively enforce and regulate online sports gambling. Federal intervention is necessary to implement nationwide uniform regulations that will protect consumers, prevent underage gambling, and reduce rates of gambling addiction.

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Revision 4r4 - 15 Jun 2024 - 08:25:41 - EbenMoglen
Revision 3r3 - 09 Jun 2024 - 20:04:44 - AliAbid
Revision 2r2 - 05 May 2024 - 14:50:52 - EbenMoglen
Revision 1r1 - 24 Apr 2024 - 23:25:43 - AliAbid
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