Law in Contemporary Society

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AjGarciaFirstPaper 9 - 29 Mar 2012 - Main.AjGarcia
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February bore witness to significant progress in marriage equality, with legislative victories in Washington, New Jersey, and Maryland and the Ninth Circuit's decision in Perry v. Brown. A common concern amongst gay marriage advocates is deciding upon the most efficient and effective basis for achieving marriage equality and preserving it: whether it should be through referendum, the courts, or through our legislative bodies. I contend that while a holistic approach is necessary to reverse discriminatory attitudes, my immediate concern, as a gay man, is not so much what heterosexuals think of the morality and legality of my ability to marry the person I love, but instead with my capacity to just do it. In light of the public's support of same-sex marriage and the history lessons taught to us by the Warren Court's precedent-setting opinions, I believe the federal courts today could successfully strike down bans on gay marriage and DOMA without fear of losing credibility, respect, or authority.
In this past two months, we've witnessed significant progress in marriage equality, with legislative victories in Washington, New Jersey, and Maryland and the Ninth Circuit's decision in Perry v. Brown. A common concern amongst gay marriage advocates is deciding upon the most efficient and effective basis for achieving marriage equality and preserving it: whether it should be through referendum, the courts, or through our legislative bodies. I contend that while a holistic approach is necessary to reverse discriminatory attitudes, my immediate concern, as a gay man, is not so much what heterosexuals think of the morality and legality of my ability to marry the person I love, but instead with my capacity to just do it. In light of the public's support of same-sex marriage and the history lessons taught to us by the Warren Court's precedent-setting opinions, I believe the federal courts today could successfully strike down bans on gay marriage and DOMA without losing credibility, respect, or authority.

How Much Longer Can We Wait

Revision 9r9 - 29 Mar 2012 - 05:38:09 - AjGarcia
Revision 8r8 - 28 Mar 2012 - 21:18:18 - AjGarcia
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