Law in Contemporary Society

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AjGarciaFirstPaper 8 - 28 Mar 2012 - Main.AjGarcia
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 I semi-applaud the Ninth Circuit for a strategic and narrow decision that discourages the Supreme Court from reviewing Perry v. Brown by finding the act of taking the right of marriage away from gay couples without reason to be the basis for unconstitutionality versus the ban on gay marriage itself--limiting the decision's applicability to other states, while still allowing gay marriage in California. Ultimately, however, the most helpful weapon in striking down all gay marriage bans would be a precedent-setting decision declaring one state's ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional on its face. Fearful of the conservative branch of the Supreme Court, I do appreciate the Ninth Circuit's caution in ensuring a move is not made too hastily that might lead to a crippling blow to marriage equality.
Yet, in light of these arguments I've put forward, I contend that the federal courts are in a position to ban anti-gay marriage laws without losing respect, authority, and credibility so many fear it could--leading LGBTQ individuals to have a life filled with hope, dignity, and equality while sacrificing nothing in return to our heterosexual counterparts. (984 words)
Yet, in light of these arguments I've put forward, I contend that the federal courts are in a position to ban anti-gay marriage laws without losing respect, authority, and credibility so many fear it could. (962 words)

Revision 8r8 - 28 Mar 2012 - 21:18:18 - AjGarcia
Revision 7r7 - 27 Mar 2012 - 17:41:37 - AjGarcia
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