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JustinFlaumenhaftFirstPaper 3 - 17 Apr 2022 - Main.EbenMoglen
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It is strongly recommended that you include your outline in the body of your essay by using the outline as section titles. The headings below are there to remind you how section and subsection titles are formatted.

The Dat(a min)ing Game

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The Love Monopolists

In Labor of Love: The Invention of Dating, Moira Weigel argues that modern dating emerged in the 19th century. According to Weigel, before the modern dating paradigm began, courtship was supervised in homes, synagogues, and other non-commercial spaces. Modern dating, she contends, “takes that process out of the home, out of supervised and mostly noncommercial spaces, to movie theaters and dance halls.” Increasingly, however, that process is supervised—supervised by online dating applications.
In Labor of Love: The Invention of Dating, Moira Weigel argues that modern dating emerged in the 19th century. According to Weigel, before the modern dating paradigm began, courtship was supervised in homes, synagogues, and other non-commercial spaces. Modern dating, she contends, “takes that process out of the home, out of supervised and mostly noncommercial spaces, to movie theaters and dance halls.” Increasingly, however, that process is supervised—supervised by online dating applications.
 The worldwide online dating pool includes hundreds of millions of users. In the United States, approximately 30% of adults and 49% of individuals aged 18-29 have used dating sites or applications. And a recent study of heterosexual American couples found that 39% met online, making it the most common way of meeting among the respondents. Dating now not only takes places in commercial settings, but is intermediated by commercial forces. Online datings applications have become the primary matchmakers of modern society.
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Why aren't these standard links in the text? That would make it much easier for readers, wouldn't it?
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Who feels there is no alternative? Leaving aside the forced isolation of the epidemic, meeting people has never stopped being possible. Those of us who have been doing it all our lives are still doing it. Human pair-bonding has in no sense come to depend on the Parasite with the Mind of God. The forms of relationship based on commoditization haven't become dependent on the machine either.

So the analysis would benefit from a clearer definition of dating, a clearer sense of who "we" are, and perhaps even a little more sense of surprise that people are surprised to discover that entrusting their sexual and emotional lives to the surveillance system doesn't work out well for them individually or collectively. If we understand more clearly who is trying to get what, and why they turn to the machine to do it (that is, what does convenience mean in this regard) we will surely get more insight.

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Revision 3r3 - 17 Apr 2022 - 13:12:02 - EbenMoglen
Revision 2r2 - 17 Apr 2022 - 02:44:40 - JustinFlaumenhaft
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