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TimelineProject 9 - 11 Jan 2010 - Main.EbenMoglen
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META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
META TOPICPARENT name="ProjectPages"
 I'm working on a timeline to show when events that have been discussed in class occurred in relation to each other. The main questions are probably what information to include and how it should be presented. My first instinct was to try to use a spreadsheet to display the information, with events categorized in columns, as such:

year England/Britain President U.S.
Line: 83 to 83
 -- KeikoHayakawa - 08 Jan 2010
  • I think this is an interesting project, which is showing its value in helping you, and probably other people who think graphically, to make connections that would otherwise be less accessible. It seems to me that the use of any kind of static rendering (like a PDF file) simply imports into the digital world the problems presented by the unchanging nature of printed paper. But with material designed to be presented on the web, the available modalities for dynamic interaction (zooming and rescaling for example) become very powerful. It should be possible for me to collapse and expand sections of the timeline, or indicate areas of interest by rolling over them, for example. Then the available rendering choices would expand profoundly. You might want to look around for dynamic timelines on the Web, and see how the JavaScript? implementation works.

  • I may not be the only person for whom a timeline is more intuitive if time increases to the right rather than to the left. So many graphical presentations assume Cartesian coordinate systems that a right-to-left presentation, while in no respect invalid, requires constant mental remapping, and thus increases cognitive resistance to the mode of visual thinking you're trying to stimulate.
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="timeline_4.pdf" attr="" comment="First draft of timeline in its current form." date="1259439783" name="timeline_4.pdf" path="L:\ALH project\timeline 4.pdf" size="293919" stream="L:\ALH project\timeline 4.pdf" user="Main.KeikoHayakawa" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Wagner_Operas.pdf" attr="" comment="Timelines showing development of Wagner's operas." date="1259440652" name="Wagner_Operas.pdf" path="L:\ALH project\Wagner Operas.pdf" size="441588" stream="L:\ALH project\Wagner Operas.pdf" user="Main.KeikoHayakawa" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Train_Timetable.pdf" attr="" comment="Train Timetable showing a lot of information in one place." date="1261848373" name="Train_Timetable.pdf" path="G:\ALH project\Train Timetable.pdf" size="1457774" stream="G:\ALH project\Train Timetable.pdf" user="Main.KeikoHayakawa" version="1"

Revision 9r9 - 11 Jan 2010 - 18:53:17 - EbenMoglen
Revision 8r8 - 08 Jan 2010 - 21:02:45 - IanSullivan
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