American Legal History

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TimelineProject 5 - 31 Dec 2009 - Main.KeikoHayakawa
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META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
I'm working on a timeline to show when events that have been discussed in class occurred in relation to each other. The main questions are probably what information to include and how it should be presented. My first instinct was to try to use a spreadsheet to display the information, with events categorized in columns, as such:
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 -- KeikoHayakawa - 26 Dec 2009
Below is the final version of my timeline in its current form.

-- KeikoHayakawa - 31 Dec 2009

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="timeline_4.pdf" attr="" comment="First draft of timeline in its current form." date="1259439783" name="timeline_4.pdf" path="L:\ALH project\timeline 4.pdf" size="293919" stream="L:\ALH project\timeline 4.pdf" user="Main.KeikoHayakawa" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Wagner_Operas.pdf" attr="" comment="Timelines showing development of Wagner's operas." date="1259440652" name="Wagner_Operas.pdf" path="L:\ALH project\Wagner Operas.pdf" size="441588" stream="L:\ALH project\Wagner Operas.pdf" user="Main.KeikoHayakawa" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Train_Timetable.pdf" attr="" comment="Train Timetable showing a lot of information in one place." date="1261848373" name="Train_Timetable.pdf" path="G:\ALH project\Train Timetable.pdf" size="1457774" stream="G:\ALH project\Train Timetable.pdf" user="Main.KeikoHayakawa" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Space_Debris.pdf" attr="" comment="Visualization of space debris." date="1261848504" name="Space_Debris.pdf" path="G:\ALH project\Space Debris.pdf" size="894972" stream="G:\ALH project\Space Debris.pdf" user="Main.KeikoHayakawa" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Convictions_Spreadsheet.pdf" attr="" comment="Spreadsheet showing prior convictions of witnesses at trial." date="1261848616" name="Convictions_Spreadsheet.pdf" path="G:\ALH project\Convictions Spreadsheet.pdf" size="1245463" stream="G:\ALH project\Convictions Spreadsheet.pdf" user="Main.KeikoHayakawa" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Medical_Expenses.pdf" attr="" comment="Narration of experience of a medical patient as expenses accrue." date="1261848696" name="Medical_Expenses.pdf" path="G:\ALH project\Medical Expenses.pdf" size="1679366" stream="G:\ALH project\Medical Expenses.pdf" user="Main.KeikoHayakawa" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="timeline_8-2.pdf" attr="" comment="Timeline as it currently stands." date="1261848802" name="timeline_8-2.pdf" path="G:\ALH project\timeline 8-2.pdf" size="782418" stream="G:\ALH project\timeline 8-2.pdf" user="Main.KeikoHayakawa" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="timeline_8-2.pdf" attr="" comment="Second draft of timeline in its current form." date="1261848802" name="timeline_8-2.pdf" path="G:\ALH project\timeline 8-2.pdf" size="782418" stream="G:\ALH project\timeline 8-2.pdf" user="Main.KeikoHayakawa" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="timeline_8-3.pdf" attr="" comment="Final version of Timeline in its current form." date="1262284308" name="timeline_8-3.pdf" path="timeline 8-3.pdf" size="1264701" stream="timeline 8-3.pdf" user="Main.KeikoHayakawa" version="1"

Revision 5r5 - 31 Dec 2009 - 18:33:07 - KeikoHayakawa
Revision 4r4 - 26 Dec 2009 - 17:58:45 - KeikoHayakawa
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