American Legal History

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ChrisProject 6 - 12 Nov 2009 - Main.ChrisFasano
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Regulators of North Carolina

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Primary Source Documents

Assorted Documents



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  • Minutes_from_the_Assembly,_17_Dec_1770.pdf: Minutes from the Assembly following the Regulator insurrection. The Assembly addresses fraudulent land conveyances, official fees, the expansion of inferior courts, and empowering Presbyterian ministers to solemnize marriages.



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  • Minutes_from_the_Assembly,_17_Dec_1770.pdf: Minutes from the Assembly following the Regulator insurrection. The Assembly addresses fraudulent land conveyances, official fees, the expansion of inferior courts, and empowering Presbyterian ministers to solemnize marriages.

  • Minutes_from_the_Assembly,_17_Dec_1770.pdf: Minutes from the Assembly following the Regulator insurrection. The Assembly addresses fraudulent land conveyances, official fees, the expansion of inferior courts, and empowering Presbyterian ministers to solemnize marriages.
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="An_Impartial_Relation,_First_Part.pdf" attr="" comment="Herman Husband's %22An Impartial Relation,%22 printed in 1770. This document contains pages 1-25." date="1257457597" name="An_Impartial_Relation,_First_Part.pdf" path="An Impartial Relation, First Part.pdf" size="5799890" stream="An Impartial Relation, First Part.pdf" user="Main.ChrisFasano" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="An_Impartial_Relation,_Second_Part.pdf" attr="" comment="Herman Husband's %22An Impartial Relation,%22 printed in 1770. This document contains pages 26-50." date="1257457725" name="An_Impartial_Relation,_Second_Part.pdf" path="An Impartial Relation, Second Part.pdf" size="6258591" stream="An Impartial Relation, Second Part.pdf" user="Main.ChrisFasano" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="An_Impartial_Relation,_Third_Part.pdf" attr="" comment="Herman Husband's %22An Impartial Relation,%22 printed in 1770. This document contains pages 21-75." date="1257457770" name="An_Impartial_Relation,_Third_Part.pdf" path="An Impartial Relation, Third Part.pdf" size="6428220" stream="An Impartial Relation, Third Part.pdf" user="Main.ChrisFasano" version="1"
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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Tryons_Response_to_the_Hillsborough_Riots.pdf" attr="" comment="Attorney General McGuire? judges the incident a riot, not treason, and consequently recommends that the Assembly pass a Riot Act" date="1257999622" name="Tryons_Response_to_the_Hillsborough_Riots.pdf" path="Tryon's Response to the Hillsborough Riots.pdf" size="1996524" stream="Tryon's Response to the Hillsborough Riots.pdf" user="Main.ChrisFasano" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Letter_from_James_Iredell,_21_Dec_1770.pdf" attr="" comment="Letter from James Iredell describing the Johnston Riot Act." date="1257999993" name="Letter_from_James_Iredell,_21_Dec_1770.pdf" path="Letter from James Iredell, 21 Dec 1770.pdf" size="405152" stream="Letter from James Iredell, 21 Dec 1770.pdf" user="Main.ChrisFasano" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Minutes_from_the_Assembly,_17_Dec_1770.pdf" attr="" comment="Minutes from the Assembly following the Regulator insurrection. The Assembly addresses fraudulent land conveyances, official fees, the expansion of inferior courts, and empowering Presbyterian ministers to solemnize marriages." date="1258001925" name="Minutes_from_the_Assembly,_17_Dec_1770.pdf" path="Minutes from the Assembly, 17 Dec 1770.pdf" size="1231684" stream="Minutes from the Assembly, 17 Dec 1770.pdf" user="Main.ChrisFasano" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Tax_Collection_in_Bute_County,_23_April_1771.pdf" attr="" comment="A sheriff describing his difficulty in collecting taxes." date="1258005640" name="Tax_Collection_in_Bute_County,_23_April_1771.pdf" path="Tax Collection in Bute County, 23 April 1771.pdf" size="748426" stream="Tax Collection in Bute County, 23 April 1771.pdf" user="Main.ChrisFasano" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Petition_from_Orange_Country.pdf" attr="" comment="Petition to empower justices of the peace to hear small claims." date="1258005825" name="Petition_from_Orange_Country.pdf" path="Petition from Orange Country.pdf" size="398552" stream="Petition from Orange Country.pdf" user="Main.ChrisFasano" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Article_from_Boston_Chronicle,_7_Nov_1768.pdf" attr="" comment="Article printed in the Boston Chronicle, reporting on the poll taxes levied to pay for Governor Tryon's house." date="1258005985" name="Article_from_Boston_Chronicle,_7_Nov_1768.pdf" path="Article from Boston Chronicle, 7 Nov 1768.pdf" size="820277" stream="Article from Boston Chronicle, 7 Nov 1768.pdf" user="Main.ChrisFasano" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Regulator_Advertisement,_30_April_1768.pdf" attr="" comment="Regulator Advertisement, with instructions for the Regulator Convention attendees." date="1258008534" name="Regulator_Advertisement,_30_April_1768.pdf" path="Regulator Advertisement, 30 April 1768.pdf" size="1463604" stream="Regulator Advertisement, 30 April 1768.pdf" user="Main.ChrisFasano" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Regulator_Advertisement,_August_1766.pdf" attr="" comment="Regulator Advertisement from Orange County." date="1258008834" name="Regulator_Advertisement,_August_1766.pdf" path="Regulator Advertisement, August 1766.pdf" size="1270496" stream="Regulator Advertisement, August 1766.pdf" user="Main.ChrisFasano" version="1"

Revision 6r6 - 12 Nov 2009 - 06:55:12 - ChrisFasano
Revision 5r5 - 12 Nov 2009 - 04:58:46 - ChrisFasano
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