American Legal History

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AndrewKerrProject 8 - 31 Jan 2010 - Main.AndrewKerr
Line: 1 to 1
Note 1/25/09: I am in process of revising my project, expect to have more added in next week. AK
Line: 161 to 161
  • walkout.pdf: article on Guam congressional walkout in 1949/ Organic Act

  • land.pdf: article on land use and political history of land

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="KIC000001.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1259902700" name="KIC000001.pdf" path="H:\LawLib Scans - 2009-11-25\KIC000001.pdf" size="3511399" stream="H:\LawLib Scans - 2009-11-25\KIC000001.pdf" user="Main.AndrewKerr" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="parkservice1952.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1259953881" name="parkservice1952.pdf" path="H:\LawLib Scans - 2009-11-25\parkservice1952.pdf" size="3515244" stream="H:\LawLib Scans - 2009-11-25\parkservice1952.pdf" user="Main.AndrewKerr" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="island_in_agony.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1259954024" name="island_in_agony.pdf" path="H:\LawLib Scans - 2009-11-25\island in agony.pdf" size="2919482" stream="H:\LawLib Scans - 2009-11-25\island in agony.pdf" user="Main.AndrewKerr" version="1"
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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="navy1948.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1259954102" name="navy1948.pdf" path="H:\LawLib Scans - 2009-11-25\navy1948.pdf" size="6016141" stream="H:\LawLib Scans - 2009-11-25\navy1948.pdf" user="Main.AndrewKerr" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="nomenclature.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1259954115" name="nomenclature.pdf" path="H:\LawLib Scans - 2009-11-25\nomenclature.pdf" size="2525560" stream="H:\LawLib Scans - 2009-11-25\nomenclature.pdf" user="Main.AndrewKerr" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="KIC000014.pdf" attr="" comment="post-WW2 resettlement and history of housing" date="1259954164" name="KIC000014.pdf" path="F:\KIC000014.pdf" size="6000602" stream="F:\KIC000014.pdf" user="Main.AndrewKerr" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="walkout.pdf" attr="" comment="article on Guam congressional walkout in 1949/ Organic Act" date="1264964978" name="walkout.pdf" path="H:\walkout.pdf" size="5985588" stream="H:\walkout.pdf" user="Main.AndrewKerr" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="land.pdf" attr="" comment="article on land use and political history of land" date="1264966237" name="land.pdf" path="H:\land.pdf" size="5142239" stream="H:\land.pdf" user="Main.AndrewKerr" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="organic_act.pdf" attr="" comment="transcription of 1950 Organic Act" date="1264966326" name="organic_act.pdf" path="H:\organic act.pdf" size="3945840" stream="H:\organic act.pdf" user="Main.AndrewKerr" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="1937_Bordallo_report.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1264966382" name="1937_Bordallo_report.pdf" path="H:\1937 Bordallo report.pdf" size="2143620" stream="H:\1937 Bordallo report.pdf" user="Main.AndrewKerr" version="1"

Revision 8r8 - 31 Jan 2010 - 19:33:04 - AndrewKerr
Revision 7r7 - 31 Jan 2010 - 17:15:04 - AndrewKerr
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