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TWiki is a flexible, powerful, secure, yet simple web-based collaboration platform. Use TWiki to run a project development space, a document management system, a knowledge base or any other groupware tool on either an intranet or on the Internet.

  • SpreadSheetPlugin (any TWiki, 10197): Add spreadsheet calculation like "$SUM( $ABOVE() )" to TWiki tables and other topic text
  • ActionTrackerPlugin (21 May 2007, $Rev: 14969 (20 Sep 2007) $): Adds support for action tags in topics, and automatic notification of action statuses
  • AttachmentListPlugin (1.0.1, $Rev: 15921 (07 Dec 2007) $): Displays a formattable list of topic attachments, anywhere in a topic.
  • BreadCrumbsPlugin (v1.00, $Rev: 13657 (08 May 2007) $): A flexible way to display breadcrumbs navigation
  • CalendarPlugin (Dakar, 9113): Show a monthly calendar with highlighted events
  • CommentPlugin (Dakar, 11359): Allows users to quickly post comments to a page without an edit/preview/save cycle
  • CompareRevisionsAddonPlugin (Dakar, $Rev: 9808$):
  • EditTablePlugin (any TWiki, 11646): Edit TWiki tables using edit fields, date pickers and drop down boxes
  • FilterPlugin (1.40, $Rev: 15932 (07 Dec 2007) $): Substitute and extract information from content by using regular expressions
  • FlexWebListPlugin (v1.21, $Rev: 16132 (03 Jan 2008) $): Flexible way to display hierarchical weblists
  • FootNotePlugin (2.006): Footnotes are notes placed at the end of a topic.
  • GluePlugin (2.00, $Rev: 15708 (23 Nov 2007) $): Enable markup to span multiple lines
  • IfDefinedPlugin (v1.01, $Rev: 15157 (05 Oct 2007) $): Render content conditionally
  • InterwikiPlugin (Dakar, $Rev: 11935$): Link ExternalSite:Page text to external sites based on aliases defined in a rules topic
  • JQueryPlugin (v0.4, $Rev: 15608 (15 Nov 2007) $): jQuery JavaScript library for TWiki
  • NatSkinPlugin: (disabled)
  • PreferencesPlugin (Dakar, 9839): Allows editing of preferences using fields predefined in a form
  • RedDotPlugin (1.40, $Rev: 16137 (03 Jan 2008) $): Renders edit-links as little red dots
  • RenderListPlugin (any TWiki, 1.034): Render bullet lists in a variety of formats
  • SlideShowPlugin (Any TWiki, $Rev: 12847$): Create web based presentations based on topics with headings.
  • SmiliesPlugin (Dakar, 8154): Render smilies as icons, like smile for  :-) or eek! for = :eek:=
  • TablePlugin (1.020, 12339): Control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns
  • TreeBrowserPlugin (v1.8): Renders a list as a collapsable/expandable tree.
  • TreePlugin (1.7): Dynamic generation of TWiki topic trees
  • TwistyPlugin (1.2.0, $Rev: 12154$): Twisty section JavaScript library to open/close content dynamically
  • VotePlugin (1.33, $Rev: 14312 (01 Jul 2007) $): Simple way to count votes
  • WysiwygPlugin (Dakar, 12422): Translator framework for Wysiwyg editors

TWiki Documentation and Configuration

tip TWiki Tip of the Day
Control table attributes with TablePlugin
The TablePlugin gives extra control of table display: Allows sorting Changing table properties ... Read on Read more

TWiki Reference Manual

Documentation for webmasters, system administrators, project managers, team leaders, and all other users of the TWiki advanced online collaboration platform.

TWiki Web Utilities



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You can use color coding by web for identification and reference. This table is updated automatically based on WebPreferences settings of the individual webs. Contact if you need a separate collaboration web for your team. See also AdminToolsCategory.
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Topic WebHome . { View | History | Side-by-side | r89 < r88 < r87 < r86 < r85 | More }

Revision r86 - 01 Feb 2006 - 12:01 - TWikiContributor
Revision r85 - 15 Aug 2004 - 07:56 - PeterThoeny?

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