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  From: Michael Rand <>
  To  : <>
  Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 12:58:26 -0500

aclu conference on privacy on cspan now and at 9pm mon feb 20th

Some tidbits from the ACLU town hall on privacy being broadcast on cspan: (I
only caught a small part of it.) 

Even John Dean from the Nixon administration does not like the legal
policies of the bush administration.  He says we need a new Congress.

Lawrence Tribe from Harvard Law said the same thing.  We need to protect the
separation of powers and the rule of law.  That means we need a new Congress
that will protect us.

After this they broadcast a moot court trial from GW law school where Chief
Justice was one of the judges.  Do they ever broadcast moot court trials
from Columbia?

Michael Rand
(212) 749 6766 

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