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  From: <>
  To  : <>
  Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 00:34:43 -0400

protect public advocacy

Hi all,
Thinking about practical stuff… I’ve realized that one of the
biggest problems for human rights advocates like me and other kind
of activists is that your advocacy targets are always ahead of you,
and that is in part because of the surveillance technology they
I am trying to compile a little and simple guide (remember, we are
lawyers) of basic security measures any activist should take into
account to secure a little bit the exchange of information. You
know, how use your mobile, how to protect your email, so on and so
forth. I think that “personal” among active “civil society” will
push those issues up in the agenda.
I would really appreciate your suggestions and comments about what
to include in this guide (and about the idea itself). Thanks,

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