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  From: Jonah Bossewitch <>
  To  : <>
  Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 12:00:17 -0400

Behavior Modeling and Prediction

One more blip on the predictive behavior radar:

"By leveraging recent advances in machine learning we are building 
generative models that can be used to predict what a single user will 
do next, as well as model behavior of large organizations."

and in particular:

"While our ultimate goal is to create a predictive classifier that can 
learn aspects of a user's life better than a human observer (including 
the actual user), we begin by building simple mechanisms that can 
recognize many of the common structures in the user's routine."

(I originally ran across this research in New Scientist, but this 
article is subscription only.

just in case you thought this was science fiction

enjoy your lunch,

Computers, Privacy, and the Constitution mailing list

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