From: Camden Hutchison <>
To : <>
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2005 12:25:17 -0400
live free or die, or the right to anonymity while driving with respect to people looking at your car from the front
Here's a thought:
Front license plate laws are anti-freedom. I don't want something
on my car that facilitates the oppressive state's use of automated
camera speed-traps and crap like that. More importantly, nothing
disrupts the lines of a well-designed automobile worse than an ugly
front license plate. I wish that I lived in Pennsylvania (or
In all seriousness, this post is meant to show that, as is the case
with all things, the privacy issues that we get the most worked up
about are those which affect us the most personally (or that we
perceive to affect us the most personally). Being a pretty
unsophisticated computer user, I couldn't care less about .pdf
tracking. Being a car geek, front license plate laws really annoy
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