December 10, 1999


Copyright Decision Threatens Freedom to Link

In a ruling that could undermine the freedom to create links on the Web, a federal judge in Utah has temporarily barred two critics of the Mormon Church from posting on their Web site the Internet addresses of other sites featuring pirated copies of a Mormon text.

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In issuing a preliminary injunction on Monday, Judge Tena Campbell of the United States District Court in Salt Lake City said it was likely that the critics, Sandra and Jerald Tanner, had engaged in contributory copyright infringement when they posted the addresses of three Web sites that they knew, or should have known, contained the copies. The copyrighted material was the text of the Church Handbook of Instructions, a limited-distribution book that enables lay clergy to administer the affairs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Lawyers for Intellectual Reserve Inc., a corporation that holds the intellectual property assets of the Mormon Church, praised Judge Campbell's decision. The temporary order will stay in effect until the case is tried or settled.

"We are certainly pleased the court is upholding copyright law," said Berne S. Broadbent, copyright lawyer for IRI.

"The Web is all about links. Without linking, there is no Web."

But other lawyers found the court's decision disturbing and, if it stands, a possibly dangerous precedent that could inhibit one of the most fundamental features of the Web -- the ability to direct viewers from one Web site to another. Although the Tanners' case revolves around the posting of Internet addresses or URLs, and not actual linking, the copyright issues are similar, lawyers said.

"If that decision ultimately holds up, then linking is definitely dead," said Jeffrey R. Kuester, a copyright lawyer who practices cyberspace law at Thomas, Kayden, Horstemeyer & Risley in Atlanta. "If you can't post an address without running into copyright infringement, how can you link?"

"The Web is all about links," Kuester said. "Without linking, there is no Web."

The Tanners, a married couple who are long-time critics of the Mormon Church, are founders of the Utah Lighthouse Ministry, which operates a Web site with commentary about the Mormons and other information.

In July, the Tanners posted on their Web site the tenth chapter of the Church Handbook of Instructions, along with portions of two other chapters -- a total of 17 pages of the 160-page book. Brian M. Barnard, a lawyer for the Tanners, said in an interview that the couple posted the excerpts in an effort to help people who had inquired about Church activities. The Tanners received a copy of the book in electronic form from an anonymous source, he said.

In October, the church, acting through its IRI arm, filed a lawsuit against the Tanners in United States District Court for the Central Division of Utah, claiming that the posting of the book's 17 pages amounted to copyright infringement. Later, Judge Campbell issued an initial, temporary restraining order banning the direct posting of the book's contents.

In early November, according to legal papers, the Tanners posted on their site an e-mail from a reader that said: "Church Handbook of Instructions is back online!" The e-mail went on to list three Internet addresses at which copies of the entire Handbook or portions of it could be obtained.

Claiming that the Tanners were improperly pointing viewers to sites that contained illegal copies of the handbook, lawyers for the Mormon Church succeeded in getting Judge Campbell to issue an expanded restraining order. This week, she also issued a formal preliminary injunction, which prohibits the Tanners from directly posting the contents of the handbook or posting on their site "addresses to Web sites that defendants know, or have reason to know, contain the material alleged to infringe plaintiff's copyright."

In reaching her decision, Judge Campbell made two key conclusions. First, she reasoned that anyone who went to a Web site and viewed a pirated copy of the handbook was probably engaging in direct copyright infringement, because that viewer's browser automatically makes a local copy of the text.

In addition, Judge Campbell reckoned that by posting the addresses to the pirate sites after they were ordered to take down the handbook, and by otherwise assisting people who wished to locate the pirate sites, the Tanners were liable under a theory of contributory copyright infringement. By their actions, the Tanners "actively encouraged" browsers to directly infringe the church's copyright, Judge Campbell wrote.

What makes Judge Campbell's 10-page opinion significant, lawyers said, is that there are few other instances where a court has ruled on the practice of knowingly linking to or posting addresses for sites with infringing material.

Sandra Tanner said she and her husband are considering an appeal of Judge Campbell's order to the United States Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit. Otherwise, the case will proceed to trial.

"I don't believe it is illegal to tell someone where to go to read the handbook," Tanner said.

Broadbent, the lawyer for IRI, claimed the court's order was a straightforward application of the law of contributory infringement. "We regard what the Tanners did as an end-run around the initial order," he said.


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Broadbent added that IRI recently contacted the operator of Prestige Elite Communications in Australia, as well as half a dozen other sites which, he claimed, had posted portions of the handbook, requesting that they stop directly infringing church copyrights. He said that with one exception, all the sites IRI contacted have taken down the material. David Gerard, the operator of the Prestige site, did not immediately respond to an e-mail request for an interview.

Jessica Litman, a law professor at Wayne State University in Detroit and an expert on intellectual property, said she believes the court was wrong to issue a preliminary injunction.

Pointing out that there can be no contributory infringement without direct infringement, she said it was clear to her that when members of the public used the addresses provided by the Tanners and visited a site to look at the handbook, any copies their browsers made were permissible and protected by the concept of fair use.

In any case, Litman asserted, the mere posting of a Web address could not amount to actively encouraging someone else's infringement. "If I give a footnote in a law review article for a plagiarized book, that seems to be just telling people where the book is, not materially facilitating their infringement," she said. "This decision is like saying that providing footnotes to illegal material is illegal."

The upshot, said Litman, is that the decision could discourage people from giving addresses of Web sites or linking to them out of concern for copyright liability.

Jessica R. Friedman, a copyright lawyer with Reboul, MacMurray, Hewitt, Maynard & Kristol, a New York firm, said she also believed that the court went too far in issuing a preliminary injunction. But she said the case was a "close call" given the letter of copyright law.

"It's not an unreasonable decision, but it is a little scary," she said.

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