Home - Friday 5.10.2001

City of Turku may abandon Windows in favour of Linux

 Thirty other cities interested in Turku’s plans

After Microsoft announced its new pricing policy for licence holders, the City of Turku is contemplating a switch from Microsoft Windows and MS Office to the Linux operating system and OpenOffice programmes.
The new licence policy of Microsoft would increase Turku’s expenses by millions of markka. The Turku City Board has already granted FIM 320,000 for an investigation on the matter. The report should be complete by mid-December.

Around thirty other cities and smaller municipalities
are eyeing Turku’s plans with interest. A Turku representative believes that if Turku and the other cities abandon Windows, many companies, perhaps even most of Finland, would follow suit.
The City of Turku has used Microsoft Windows and MS Office in its over 5,000 computers for many years. The switch to Linux would be a long process, also requiring several years.
Microsoft plans to begin collecting an annual licence fee, which will guarantee users all new software updates. Previously, updates have been purchased only when deemed necessary.

Previously in HS International Edition:
 Reader's Digest names Linus Torvalds European of the Year for 2001 28.12.2000

Helsingin Sanomat

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