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Senators want new identity theft laws
Victims need federal protection from criminals, lawmakers say

WASHINGTON, March 20 — Victims of identity theft need new federal protection from criminals who damage credit histories and reputations, lawmakers said Wednesday.

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       TWO SENATE BILLS that Sen. Dianne Feinstein is seeking to combine would “plug the loopholes in our financial services system that allow identity thieves to thrive,” the California Democrat said.
       The measures would limit information printed on credit card receipts, penalize credit card companies that issue new cards when a “fraud alert” is on file, help victims get financial records from companies and expand the authority of local law enforcement agencies to deal with identity theft.
       Identity thieves have targeted more than one in five American families, said Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., who introduced the second bill based on laws in her state.

Viruses Spam Predators Porn Identity theft Hoaxes Hate groups Harassment Fraud        “We need a stronger federal role in protecting consumers,” she said. “When your identity is stolen it could be stolen from anywhere.”
       Cantwell said that since Sept. 11, the possibility of terrorists stealing identity information has made Americans “painfully aware that ID theft can threaten more than our pocketbooks.”
Congressional investigators said this month that reports of identity theft have been growing rapidly, and the resulting credit card fraud has surpassed $1 billion annually.
       The Federal Trade Commission is working with the three major credit-reporting companies — Equifax, Experian and TransUnion — to develop a system where consumers can put fraud alerts on their accounts with a single phone call to the agency, said Howard Beales, the agency’s director of consumer protection.

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       Identity theft experts and victims testified Wednesday at a hearing of a Senate Judiciary subcommittee that Feinstein heads.
       Sallie Twentyman, a high school teacher from Falls Church, Va., said a fraud alert was not enough when an identity thief stole a credit card from her mail and started opening new accounts in different states and running up huge bills.
       “Banks kept making mistakes and no one seemed accountable for their actions,” she said. “I felt that, no matter how hard I tired, I was always a step behind.”
       Lou Cannon, president of the Fraternal Order of Police in the District of Columbia, said that by visiting Feinstein’s Senate Web site, he learned enough about her to begin an Internet hunt for more personal information. From there, he gathered all the information he said he would have needed to get a credit card in Feinstein’s name.
       Cannon told the senator: “You didn’t give it to me, but I got it.”
       © 2002 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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