
Stainless Steel Mouse That Roared 

Reuters Page 1 of 1

12:54 PM Dec. 01, 2003 PT

BEIJING -- China has released a young cyberdissident known as the "stainless steel mouse" after detaining her for more than a year for criticizing the government, a Hong Kong rights group says.

Liu Di, 23, a former psychology major at Beijing Normal University who wrote under the computer name "Stainless Steel Mouse," was freed from Beijing's Qincheng prison on Friday, the Information Centre for Human Rights and Democracy said on Sunday.

Two other cyberdissidents, Wu Yiran, 34, and Li Yibin, 29, also were freed from a jail for political detainees on Friday, it said in a statement.

The release came just over a week ahead of a visit by Premier Wen Jiabao to the United States. China frequently times releases of dissidents to coincide with important trips abroad or visits by world leaders.

Liu was bailed out on Friday afternoon, the center said, saying the move amounted to freeing her because political detainees are rarely, if ever, released on bail.

Family members said earlier this month they expected the release after four officials from the Beijing Public Security Bureau visited her home to convey the news.

Liu became a high-profile symbol for democracy and free speech in China after her detention in November 2002, spawning online petitions with thousands of signatories calling for her freedom.

She wrote political satire about the ruling Communist Party and posted messages in Internet chat rooms calling for the release of online dissidents. Never formally charged, she was held at Qincheng Prison for political detainees.

"Liu Di's main wish is to go back to Beijing Normal and resume her studies," the center said.

The center said in early November that prosecutors had rejected police recommendations to indict Liu on broad charges of subversion due to lack of evidence.

Police also detained at least two people for organizing online petitions for Liu's release. Du Daobin, a civil servant, was detained in October, while Luo Changfu, a 39-year-old laid-off worker, was sentenced to three years in prison.

China has been cracking down on Internet content -- from politics to pornography -- as the government struggles to gain control over the new and popular medium.

It has created a special Internet police force, blocked some foreign news sites and shut down domestic sites posting politically incorrect literature.

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