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ICANN Forefather Wants More Democratic Internet Governance


Ira Magaziner   Ira Magaziner, former senior adviser to President Clinton for policy development, said ICANN should avoid becoming too autocratic. (File Photo)

_____ICANN Headlines_____
ICANN Critics Consider Options (TechNews.com, Jun 28, 2002)
Some Critics Pass On Landmark ICANN Hearing (TechNews.com, Jun 27, 2002)
ICANN Unveils Reform (TechNews.com, Jun 21, 2002)
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"We spent three years throwing time and energy down the direct election rat-hole," Sims said. "I think if Ira was more knowledgeable about [ICANN's recent history] he would have been more generous in his comments."

In 2000, ICANN's sole attempt to hold global online elections resulted in the appointment of five board members (a minority on ICANN's 19-member board) to serve five global regions. Two of those elected members have been among ICANN's staunchest critics.

Lynn has argued that Internet elections -- the only sort ICANN can reasonably afford -- are dangerous and subject to capture by special interest groups.

Sims said ICANN's reform proposal, which calls for an internally selected nominating committee to chose most of the ICANN board, addresses concerns surrounding public representation without falling into the pitfalls of direct elections.

Magaziner said while he did not think ICANN should become a full-fledged global democracy modeled on the United Nations, it also should avoid becoming too autocratic.

"A U.N. process would be too slow," he said. "On the other hand, to say that a small group of people, whoever they are, can make decisions without democratic processes goes too far the other way."

"I know [democratic processes] make it a less tidy process, but you need it," he said.

Magaziner stopped short, however, of endorsing a proposal put forth by some of today's speakers that would call for the Commerce Department to re-bid the agreements under which ICANN operates the DNS.

"I'd hate to go back to where we were" before ICANN was created, Magaziner said.

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