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July 10th, 2002
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  Lindows says OEMs are responding to "Builder Program"  
Wednesday July 10, 2002 - [ 03:21 PM GMT ]   Print this Article
Topic - GNU/Linux
-  - by Tina Gasperson -
Larry Kettler, the new director of Builder sales at Lindows, says the response to last month's announcement of the Builder Program "has been overwhelming." In an email letter, he says that many OEMs are preparing to launch LindowOS on "a number of computer system SKUs [stockkeeping unit]."

The Builder Program, designed by Michael Robertson's company, Lindows.com, offers original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) a flat fee license to install LindowsOS on new systems. Microsoft charges computer builders a per-system fee.

According to Lindows, OEMs will be able to license the product for a flat monthly fee, installing it on as many or as few systems as desired.

"To join the Lindows.com Builder's Program, and become authorized to license LindowsOS on as many computer systems that you want each month, there is a Membership Fee of $500 US, which includes your first month of licensing. Then, every month thereafter, you will be automatically billed a flat licensing fee of $500 US each month. That's it!"

The Free Software Foundation has been working with LindowsOS to bring it into compliance with the GPL, and has promised the company a rewritten, FSF-acceptable OEM license. The current OEM license states in part:

"Subject to the terms and conditions hereof and only for the term hereof, Lindows.com hereby grants to Licensee a nontransferable limited right and license solely to install the Lindows.com Software Product in executable form on, or bundle the Lindows.com Software Product with, Licensee Product(s) to make Composite Product(s) for distribution and resale only; with exception to Section 19 regarding broader rights granted for certain Software Programs in the Lindows.com Software Product. This license does not allow or authorize Licensee to sell or resell Lindows.com Software Products separate from the Composite Product(s)."

This language seems contradictory to the GPL, however, another section of the license states:

"To the extent the GPL requires that Lindows.com provide rights to use, copy or modify a Software Program that are broader than the rights granted elsewhere in this agreement, then such rights granted shall take precedence over the rights and restrictions set forth in this Agreement."

That clause alone seems to override much of the language in the very proprietary-sounding agreement, with terms like "trade secrets" and "confidential information" and " Licensee shall not: (i) distribute, transfer, loan, rent, or provide access to the Lindows.com Software Product, except as provided herein; or (ii) remove or add any Proprietary Rights notice associated with the Lindows.com Software Product without the express written permission of Lindows.com."

And while the GPL appears to take precedence over the statements that seem to violate it, are the OEMs going to know enough about the GPL to understand which parts of the "Builder Program" agreement they can ignore?

You can view the entire agreement here.


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It's really the name they're licensing...      (#18965)
by Anonymous Reader on 2002.07.10 12:39

Or it should be. Where the underlying software is GPL-licensed, the main benefit for the vendors is surely in being able to claim that their system has Lindows pre-installed.

Of course, many people would argue that that isn't much to boast about and that the vendors would do just as well to pre-install Lindows and just not call it that.
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Lindows = Root-ONLY = Bad Thing      (#18976)
by Anonymous Reader on 2002.07.10 13:51

Boy, it sure feels a lot like windows that way!
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lindows      (#18981)
by Anonymous Reader on 2002.07.10 14:04

when is lindows going to go out of business, so I can be happy and not worry about lindows corrupting the linux world.
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who needs lindows      (#19005)
by Anonymous Reader on 2002.07.10 15:36

Is there any use for an Linux based OS, that can run the Windows Versions of Netscape, or funny neaty Programs like Notepad, or Wordpad? If you canīt get away from M$-Office go over to CrossOverOffice (or simply use StarOffice). Does the world need wide opened Windows in a Linux box? Running root all the time, thatīs not what OPEN source was meant to be  ... I need to get some wine now  ...
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