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Microsoft in EU talks on software concerns
07:32 Monday 10th June 2002
Source: Reuters

The European Commission is continuing to investigate whether Microsoft made its operating system to work better on its own server software than that of rivals

Microsoft said on Friday it was talking with the European Commission over allegations it rigged its operating system software to work better on its server software than rival products.

"There are discussions," Jean-Philippe Courtois, Microsoft president for Europe, Middle East, and Africa, told reporters at a European business forum. "We are anxious to get this legal case behind us."

John Frank, Microsoft associate general counsel for Europe, said the US software giant would like to discuss a settlement once the issue became clearer for European Union officials.

"At some point, when issues have crystallised for the commission, we would like to have settlement talks," he later told Reuters.

"We don't know when it's going to happen. There is no fixed timetable. (But) it's likely that the earliest opportunity would be after the summer recess," he said.

The commission is investigating allegations that Microsoft designed its Windows operating system to work better with its own server software.

In March, Microsoft told EU officials it was ready to give rivals information on its proprietary software to help them compete better.

Courtois said Microsoft chief privacy officer Richard Purcell would meet EU officials in Brussels next week to talk about privacy issues.

EU countries have heard complaints alleging that Microsoft's .Net Passport service does not have adequate safeguards to protect users' personal information.

Privacy advocacy groups say the service collects the data as users bank, shop, and play games online.

Think it's all over? The antitrust case against Microsoft can still go back the to Court of Appeals, and then there's the European Commission's investigation... See ZDNet UK's DoJ/Microsoft News Section for the latest headlines.

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EU probes Microsoft over privacy law
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