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May 23rd, 2002
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  Microsoft, Open Source and the Third World: A fair contest?  
Wednesday May 22, 2002 - [ 04:02 PM GMT ]
Topic - Open Source
-  - By Jack Bryar -
Over the past few weeks, a new type of trade war has been brewing in a number of smaller, poorer countries around the world. Country after country has begun to evaluate whether to mandate Open Source software for government agencies and schools. Microsoft has fought back with its own form of free programs. However, countries comparing Open Source to Microsoft programs are considering a lot of other factors completely unrelated to the technical merits of the two platforms.

It has been said that if Linux and Open Source were going to triumph anywhere, the first big successes would happen in the Third World. Cash-strapped countries looking for ways to declare their technical independence would be deeply tempted by the price point and technical promise of Open Source software.

In recent weeks, NewsForge reporters have mentioned the growing interest in Linux by government agencies in places such as Peru and Argentina. This week, the Indian state of Karnataka announced it was looking at mandating Open Source in its public sector.

Microsoft has been fighting back. In a number of countries, it has rapidly expanded giveaway programs, especially to schools in the poorest parts of Africa and Asia. This week, Microsoft announced it had signed an agreement with the South African government to give all the schools in that country free access to a selection of the company's software. It was a controversial decision in that country, but not necessarily because of any technical considerations. Increasingly, as cash-strapped public agencies in other Third World countries struggle to determine the best choice, they may find their decision process has become complicated by a variety of political and ideological issues.

Both South Africa and India's Karnataka state are good examples of other considerations overwhelming the technical issues.

South Africa's decision involved a mix of financial, technical and, above all else, political decisions. On the face of it, the decision was fairly straightforward. According to South Africa's Finance Minister Kader Asmal, an agreement this week gave South Africa's schools free access to a variety of Microsoft's essential programs, including Windows 2000 Server, Office, Visual Studio, and Encarta among others. The deal represented potential savings exceeding $100 million, according to the deal's defenders.

However, critics have charged that the deal was little more than a tactic to kill the Open Source software movement in the country.

When South African President Thabo Mbeki first announced Microsoft's offer, it appeared to short-circuit several regional initiatives. By far the most important of these local programs was a provincial pilot program called Gauteng Online. This program was an ambitious, public/private program that proposed to equip each of that province's 2,500 schools with a minimum of 25 computers each. The program expected to do more than simply provide an inexpensive tool for students to surf the Internet, however. Among its objectives was teaching programming skills and developing the province as an IT center. Prior to Mbeki's announcement, the program was evaluating a mix of Linux and Microsoft platforms.

When Education Minister Kader Asmal signed the agreement with Microsoft, Open Source critics charged he was killing off any chance for South Africa to develop an independent software industry in exchange for a three-year software license. They pointed out that the agreement flew in the face of a recommendation by the government's National Advisory Committee to deploy Open Source products in all state organizations.

The Mbeki government and Microsoft have asserted that they "expect" that the license will be renewed without any costs three years from now, and that this arrangement may continue indefinitely, although there is no hard agreement to this effect.

Is the agreement worth it? Local defenders claim that not all alternatives to Microsoft were practical alternatives. For one thing, government officials have learned that Open Source is not necessarily "free," an important distinction in countries where resources are extremely scarce. Further, defenders claim that products and services advertised as Open Source don't always seem to be that open, either. For example, a messaging and collaboration alternative to Microsoft Exchange called WeMeeting turned out to be "Open Source" only in the sense that source code was available to purchasers of seats in blocks of 100 and at a price of close to $40,000 per block.

However, local observers in the South African press suggest that technical considerations played only a small part in the decision process. Just as significant is South Africa's emerging role as a local power, and as a financial center in the continent. South Africa has one of the most dynamic financial sectors on the continent, and one of the most advanced. Nearly 30% of the country's banking customers bank via the Internet. It is also a financial conduit for outside investors looking for investment opportunities on the continent.

These observers suggest that Microsoft has acted as a corporate "good citizen" in many African countries. They argue that the company has been seen as an important corporate advocate on behalf of emerging African countries trying to shake off reputations for corruption and instability as they attempt to attract foreign capital. Microsoft has been particularly active in a program called the New Partnership for Africa's Development. Nicknamed NEPAD, the program has been the centerpiece of Southern Africa's campaign to attract massive investment and technical resources for that country and its neighbors. Such advocacy, combined with the no-cost software, made it hard for the Mbeki government to turn down Microsoft's offer.

Meanwhile, the decision by Karnataka to explore Open Source appears to be just as political.

While located within the Third World, Karnataka is no backwater. It is home to the tech hub city of Bangalore. It contains a population roughly the size of France, and it features a profitable electronics and I.T. industry. Its National Informatics Center is among the most influential organizations in the state. In fact, Karnataka may be the only state government anywhere in the world with its own Ministry of I.T. and Biotechnology.

The head of that ministry, Professor B.K. Chandrashekar, is leading the initiative that would mandate Open Source as part of Kanataka's "e-Governance" initiative.

Again, the decision to support Open Source can be, and has been, defended on technical grounds, but political and ideological concerns are definitely part of the mix here as well.

Defenders of the Linux initiative suggest that the state is simply trying to reduce costs and support local initiatives such as the "Simputer" a primitive PDA/"Community Digital Assistant" made in Bangalore and regarded as Linux based. However, other observers point out that the Simputer might not qualify as under Chandrashekar's definition of "open," because the device employs a mix of Linux and proprietary software. Further, they suggest that Karnataka's growing dependence on pharmaceuticals and biotechnology make it an awkward place to argue against intellectual property rights, as some in the Free Software movement do.

Critics suggest that Karnataka is a stronghold of the India's opposition Congress party, which has a long history of economic nationalism and which has been skeptical of Western business interests. Chandrashekar recently stated that apart from any financial or technical considerations, he saw Linux as a means to overcome "the international digital divide." He added that "you need radical political appreciation" to fully understand the appeal of Open Source software. Chandrashekar has also proposed that local Indian states should both adopt Linux and coordinate their Open Source development programs with the neighboring People's Republic of China.

Open Source advocates may celebrate the adoption of Open Source in one location and condemn its rejection in another, but the issues that are driving these decisions seem very far removed from the discussions Open Source advocates and critics are used to having.


Microsoft, Open Source and the Third World: A fair contest? | Login/Create an Account | Top | 24 comments | Search Discussion
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microsoft....      (#13709)
by Anonymous Reader on 2002.05.22 13:54

The only reason Microsoft is 'giving' thier software away in the third world is so they can gain a foothold there. By doing this MS gains a key advantage in thier 'war' against the GPL. By making these countires adopt MS products they are tieing them into to perpetual cycle of upgrading that MS is famous for.
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Socialist countries,      (#13719)
by Anonymous Reader on 2002.05.22 14:44

I can imagine many socialist countries are interrested in free software for political reasons.
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Micro$oft 0wnz j00      (#13722)
by Anonymous Reader on 2002.05.22 14:59

If Africa decides to go with Microsoft solutions then they'll most likely be stuck with them for a long-long time... if they can ever escape. What happens when they need to upgrade? Even if upgrades will be free for some years, eventually they'll be forced into the same "rental" upgrade cycle. By that time they'll be dependant on Microsoft software, and if they don't want to pay then they'll have to switch to Open Source anyway. This is great as a short-term solution for Africa, but Microsoft will own them. Free software for schools, great. So Microsoft can do it for a country like Africa, but for U.S. schools they want to force them to pay? Isn't this a bit two-faced? Ain't ya wonderin' why Microsoft are acting like this? Anyway, any country that accepts Microsoft's bribes is obviously ran by a grade A dork. Make a note of any of these countries, obviously they'll be easy to exploit... MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
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the first hit is always free      (#13726)
by Anonymous Reader on 2002.05.22 15:13

But once you're hooked, you'll be a customer for life, and you won't be able to stop using because of the addic^H^H^H^H^Hlock-in.

Hmm...it's a miracle it took Microsoft this long to do this, and only after the threat of Linux. Can we say greedy? Where were all these free gifts a few years ago?
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Hummm      (#13743)
by static0verdrive on 2002.05.22 17:40   | User Info |

I believe these "deals" are only free as long as the countries can't afford them; and I believe M$ knows that a country using M$ won't switch easily once they've been "conditioned" to only understand how to use M$....
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Where is Windows XP?      (#13744)
by Anonymous Reader on 2002.05.22 17:42

Uhh Jack, why didn't you make any mention of XP being left of the South African deal? Why was this?

Were their WPA considerations?
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Free, yeah right.      (#13748)
by Anonymous Reader on 2002.05.22 19:10

I have never found where anything is ever free. You always end up paying some where. I would just like to add, Does a Drug pusser not offer the first hit free?

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Plus side      (#13758)
by Anonymous Reader on 2002.05.22 21:40

One positive aspect is that for every one of these cases where people are considering moving away from MS products, then MS steps in with free or very low cost software and saves the day, MS is losing countless millions in revenue. So MS loses and the users win (if you consider getting free or cheap MS bugware winning) when people can use Linux as a bargaining chip.
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Bribes      (#13809)
by Anonymous Reader on 2002.05.23 11:17

Everyone should know that most governments run on back handers and bribes. In most (all?) African countries this is the only way deals get made.

The real bribes will not be microsoft giving free software but microsoft giving money on the condition they except the free software.

If you doubt this just try looking into arms 'sales'
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Take Windows if you must, but...      (#13816)
by Anonymous Reader on 2002.05.23 13:27

Use OpenOffice (or StarOffice if you can get Sun to give it to you for free).

If MS tries to put conditions on the deal like requiring you to take and use free copies of MSOffice, then you know they're just trying to enslave you.

With OO, at least there is free support for free OS's if you want to move in the future. And, most importantly, your data's not locked up in MS-only files that will keep you tied to Windows and MSOffice forever - even after the free trial ends.
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NEPAD      (#13827)
by Anonymous Reader on 2002.05.23 15:51

Microsoft thinks that all of Africa should wear nepad (Knee Pads) so they can satisfy Bill.

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