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Beta hack rattles Microsoft
By Robert Lemos
Special to ZDNet News
October 16, 2002, 5:00 PM PT


Microsoft is investigating a security breach on a server that hosts its Windows beta community, which allows more than 20,000 Windows users a chance to test software that is still in development.

As a result of the break-in, Microsoft advised beta testers to change their passwords late last week. However, company spokesman Rick Miller downplayed the significance of the incident, saying the online trespasser didn't get access to the company's crown jewels: its source code.

"They are not grabbing code; they are grabbing product, and it's going to be buggy and it's going to have problems," he said. "This is obviously not good, but it's not terrible either."

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However, the system does contain yet-unreleased versions of Microsoft Windows products. In addition, the hacker would have had access to comments posted by beta testers, as well as the key used by beta testers to activate their software, said Miller.

This is not the first time Microsoft's network has been breached. Microsoft's source code may have been accessed two years ago, when a hacker broke into some of the company's systems several times over three weeks. In January 2001, online vandals prevented many people from accessing Microsoft's network by flooding routers and servers with data.

At least one beta tester questioned the security of Microsoft's products.

"We were right in the middle of beta testing its .Net server and that's going to be a centerpiece of Microsoft's future," one tester told TechTV, which first reported the incident.

Microsoft has been laboring to improve the security of its products for several years now, but the efforts were given a higher priority in a January e-mail from co-founder Bill Gates to the company's employees. The products being tested on the server include some of that work.

The software giant is treating the breach as a criminal investigation but Miller refused to comment on whether any law enforcement agency had been called in on the case.

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       Trustworthy my arse....  Billy Bob

       the hypocrites are slandering  stephen thomas

       Re: Trustworthy my arse....  Betty Bupert

       Sounds like they scored  Yagotta B. Kidding

       Re: Beta hack rattles Microsoft  spza muffin

       Re: Beta hack rattles Microsoft  Dicci Aldure

       Re: Beta hack rattles Microsoft  nunya nunya

       Answer  John Le'Brecage

       Re: Answer  Peter Bellamy

       Re: Beta hack rattles Microsoft  Loverock Davidson

       Our IIS servers have better uptime than Microsofts  toad life

       Re: Our IIS servers have better uptime than Micros  Billy Bob

       Can anyone here spot sarcasm?  toad life

       Of course not  Mike M

       Re: Beta hack rattles Microsoft  Betty Bupert

       Re: Beta hack rattles Microsoft  Loverock Davidson

       Re: Beta hack rattles Microsoft  Betty Bupert

       Re: Beta hack rattles Microsoft  Loverock Davidson

       Re: Beta hack rattles Microsoft  Betty Bupert

       Re: Beta hack rattles Microsoft  Jack Hammer

       Re: Beta hack rattles Microsoft  Bill Swisher

       Re: Beta hack rattles Microsoft  Loverock Davidson

       Re: Beta hack rattles Microsoft  ph 3W7

       Re: Beta hack rattles Microsoft  Bill Swisher

       Re: Beta hack rattles Microsoft  toad life

       Re: Beta hack rattles Microsoft  Loverock Davidson

       Re: Beta hack rattles Microsoft  ph 3W7

       Re: Beta hack rattles Microsoft  Arm A. Geddon

       (NT) Did someone forget to patch their box?  toad life

       Does not bother me.  Zack Taylor

       Re: Does not bother me.  Craig Williamson

       To be honest...  Zack Taylor

       You're too much  Andrew Graaff

       Re: You're too much  Jef Shockley

       Re: You're too much  Peter Bellamy

       *giggles*  John Le'Brecage

       (NT) Pinky and the Brain...   Just A Opinion

       Aw, Have Pity On Poor Microsoft  Donald W. Shantz

       Pay for security, ha ha ha ha  Randy Cobbs

       Zack, you da man!  John Letaw

       All that happened is  Michael Hereid

       Re: All that happened is  Sean K

       Re: All that happened is  toad life

       Re: All that happened is  ph 3W7

       Re: All that happened is  toad life

       Re: All that happened is  Betty Bupert

       Re: Beta hack rattles Microsoft  Don Jackson

       Re: Beta hack rattles Microsoft  ph 3W7

       Re: Beta hack rattles Microsoft  Betty Bupert

       Re: Beta hack rattles Microsoft  ph 3W7

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